Treaty 8 Polytechnic

About Us

Traditional Learning and Healing - Guided by Elders

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About Treaty 8 Polytechnic

Treaty 8 was signed on June 21,1899 and for the past 25 years the First Nations of Treaty 8 collectively worked towards Treaty 8’s own post-secondary institution. Treaty 8 Education office existed through the Grand Council of Treaty No 8 with all Nations and in 1997 was incorporated with Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta. Treaty 8 Polytechnic was federally incorporated on July 3, 2023 and its institution mandate by the leadership of 24 Nations of Treaty 8 is to develop excellent education system that teach history, culture, leadership, governance, and training/educating Treaty 8 members to have careers in trades, social, health, economics, finance, and much more. 

Group with Blankets

Treaty 8 Principals


A connected sovereign community of learners recovering languages, living ceremonies and living to nature’s laws, traditional ways and inherent roles and responsibilities.


We honour the visions of Treaty 8 peoples for an institution of higher learning for the next seven generations.

Our strength depends on the Creator and wâhkôhtowin (relationship).

We are committed to living nature’s laws and teachings so learners know who and where they come from and are inspired by what is life-giving.

Our actions and decisions are centered on the visions and aspirations of the next seven generations.

We value holistic learning that manifests a spiritual consciousness to support lifelong
learning and development.


  • Education is a Life Long Process.
  • Development and Enhancement of Traditional Knowledge and Language.
  • Underlying foundational understanding is that each First Nation is autonomous; everyone involved will work hand-in-hand with external organizations.
  • Capacity to ensure a successful system
  • Accountably, transparency and sustainability are essential components of this system
  • Treaty No.8 is a living document, recognized internationally, and entrenches education as a right which is lifelong.
  • Implementation and operations are conducted professionally, respectfully, with integrity and patience.
  • Our First Nation education system provides opportunities to enrich the quality of life for all learners
  • Nurturing environment to support discipline and respect towards all learners.

A Cultural Home

Treaty 8 Polytechnic will be a cultural home that will connect current and future teachers of Beaver/Cree/Dene language and culture to traditional knowledge and teaching resources to better serve Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners.

We aim to:

Treaty 8 Tent

Connect with Indigenous History and Culture through Treaty 8 Polytechnic