Mistahaya: Discovering Your Path

Embark on a transformative journey with Mistahaya, a unique two-day course offered at Treaty 8 Polytechnic, designed to guide students through the process of identifying potential career and life paths.
This course is tailored to help students understand themselves better and make informed decisions about their future, leveraging their personal strengths and interests.
Day 1 - Understanding Yourself
The first day of Mistahaya is dedicated to exploring the concept of personality. Students will engage with the Personality Dimensions Model to gain deep insights into their own personality traits. This understanding serves as a foundation for aligning personal characteristics with potential career and life choices. Through interactive workshops and reflective exercises, students will leave with a clearer self-concept and an enhanced appreciation for how their unique personality can influence their life path.
Day 2 - Mapping your Future
The second day shifts focus towards practical application, aimed at developing competency in navigating diverse career and life pathways. Participants will engage in job interview role-plays to hone their communication and presentation skills in a supportive, educative environment. The use of ALIS (Alberta Learning Information Service) assessments will provide valuable tools and resources for career planning and decision-making. Additionally, students will work on developing personalized education, life, and career paths, using the insights gained from Day 1 to make strategic choices about their future.
Course Outcome
By the end of the Mistahaya course, students will not only have a thorough understanding of their personality and how it affects their life choices but also practical experience and a clear set of strategies for pursuing their identified paths. Join us to unlock your potential and start paving your way to a fulfilling future.